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Questions in BLUE deal with the audit. questions in RED are general.


Q: Please tell me when with the S-group audit be over?


A: The owners of S-group will not be informed of the date till auditing has in reality NO ONE KNOWS! This is because the government, which has assigned the auditing office for the task, will conduct the audit. Once the auditing process is complete, the auditors will notify S-group accordingly.


Here's the rundown on how an audit operates: Claims made against the company prompt the company to agree to an audit to clear those claims. The audit kicks off, goes through its process, and eventually concludes. If it only reaches the pre-trial stage, the result goes to the regulator, who then directs the broker on what actions to take. This is the scenario when all claims are proven false. this is most likly the case we will see. But still all this take time!


If the audit were to fail or more clams are brought forward during a trial period this is what would happen. Clams made against the company -> company agrees to be audited to clear clams -> audit starts -> audit ends -> per-trail -> Trail -> Trial result goes to the regulator and the regulator provides instructions to the broker on what to do. the outcome of a failed audit and proceeding to Trial would most likely result in the regulator instructing the broker to reimburse the S-group clients. depending on the regulator country and International sanctions would also come into account.


Q: How do I know S-group is not a scam seeing 98% of online opertunitys are proven to be scams or fail.


A: Absolutely true, it's a harsh reality that a whopping 98% of online opportunities either end up being scams or let down their members in the long run. To address these legitimate concerns about potential scams, S-group takes proactive steps to maintain credibility. One such measure is subjecting its broker accounts, where investments are held, to rigorous audits. Audits generate transparent financial statements, reassuring members that the accounts are trustworthy and dependable.

While no company can offer a foolproof guarantee against failure, I strongly advocate for a cautious approach when it comes to investing. It's essential to carefully scrutinize a company's track record of credibility, considering factors like its longevity in the market and the opinions of influential investors. Asking these crucial questions can go a long way in protecting your investments.


Q: What will happen with Prime direction when the audit is done?


A: "Yes, the company has confirmed that it will maintain a minimum of $100 invetment with no additional requirements, and payouts will continue on a  every 7 days basis. 🤑 Rest assured, there are no planned alterations to this arrangement."


Q: Do you think that maybe new audit for Prime will be necessary in the future?


A: Yes, I'm completely confident that we'll witness additional audits, especially considering the nature of the company's involvement in finance. These audits serve the dual purpose of resolving any claims and providing assurance through transparent financial statements, thereby bolstering members' confidence in the accuracy and integrity of the accounts.


It's important to consider this audit from the company's perspective as well. In just 5-6 years, it has grown into an almost billion-dollar enterprise.with over 135,000 active clients. S-group has been diligent in following government financial regulations, and now, its financial integrity is being scrutinized for the first time.


All I'll say is, anything the first time is gonna be the most stressful and thought about.


Q: When will SWCT be avalible for USDT or other crypto that I can withdrawal out of S-Wallet?


A: "When SWCT appears in S-wallet exchange, it signifies the conclusion of the audit, read more about this below.



Q: How come during the SWCT Audit, S-group allows new investment opertunity with SGCT coin.. but is not alowing its members to exchange SWCT in S-waalet like they do with SGCT?


A: The SWCT audit prompted the broker to hold the account under investigation. Meaning no new deposits or withdrawals till auditing is done. As a result, S-group doesn't have access to the account to make a withdrawal this leads to all members can't access SWCT on the S-wallet exchange to buy or sell. Right now, the only ways to buy or sell your SWCT are explained in this video:  



Q: Looking at the S-group Careers plan prove to me it's not a Pyramid Scheme


A: "It operates on an MLM structure, evident from the tiered levels and team-oriented setup showcased on the careers page.

However, it's important to dispel misconceptions surrounding MLM models. Contrary to popular belief, MLM isn't inherently negative; rather, it often stems from a lack of understanding about online earning avenues. In the case of S-group, the focus of the careers page is predominantly on team building, while the primary source of income revolves around investment opportunities. you can see in this image how the company makes its profits to pay the cereers plan.



As you can see S-group's model isn't akin to a traditional pyramid schemes reliant on monthly membership fees from downline members, S-group's commissions and bonuses come from the company's profits generated through trading profits.

For those who may question the legitimacy of this structure, it's likely due to a misunderstanding of how profits are generated. To address this, I've created a video elaborating on this aspect."



Q: I'd would like to know, why if SWCT is under audit and we as members can't access to exchange SWCT in S-wallet. because the S-group company cant access it in the broker account during the audit. Then why can we buy the Prime invetmnet with 20% SWCT and 80% SGCT also I see the S-eSIM invetmnet is the same it invoves SWCT and SGCT.


A: Excellent inquiry. This pertinent information was disclosed during the initial stages of the audit in the company updates. It pertained to a significant development involving a deal struck between the broker and S-group, specifically regarding the S-forex account funds.

The update clarified that the Prime 20% SWCT pertains to a loan secured against the funds in the S-forex account.



Q: When is the next webinar on audit updates?


A: Vadim receives updates from his end, whether it's from auditors or legal advisors, and subsequently hosts a webinar to share this information with us. in layman terms... when he gets information he then does a webinar"


Q: How do we know the audit is real and not made up?


A:"Unfortunately, for those who couldn't make it to the meeting in Dubai on July 1st, 2023, the documents for the audit and details about the funds in the broker account are not accessible to the public. This limitation exists because the audit was initiated due to claims against the company that needed to be addressed for its advancement.


The credibility and trust of S-group hinge on the resolution of these claims; failure to address them would erode trust among members and ultimately jeopardize the company's viability.



Personally, I didn't have the opportunity to attend the Dubai meeting where the audit and account information were presented. However, my confidence in the authenticity of the S-group audit stems from a simple application of common sense."


1) Over 100 S-group investors, individuals with 14.5% carees mark, convened at the meeting and were presented with comprehensive insights. All pertinent information was shared, including a thorough Q&A session with the owners Vadim and Roman.

Now, amidst the audit process, I've noticed that all their top leaders are still actively endorsing S-group. this means alot if you think about it.


Having dedicated nearly 15 years to working full-time online, I've encountered numerous companies that either turned out to be scams or failed altogether. Typically, in such scenarios, the first to depart are the leaders, as they often possess insider knowledge. However, this wasn't the case with S-group. These leaders are strongly promoting S-group. Their firsthand experience with S-group's excellence has made them even more committed to promoting its merits.


2) The company remained steadfast, staying true to its roadmap despite the ongoing audit process. Unlike many scam companies that seize any opportunity, such as an audit or significant changes, as an excuse to halt operations and ultimately vanish, S-group Instead of shutting down operations, they've continued to operate transparently.

Here I am, seven months into the audit, confidently typing this message, while yesterday alone, I earned well over $1000 with S-group. This resounding success speaks volumes about the integrity and resilience of S-group."




3) This serves as personal confirmation for me. I reached out in the 15% group to inquire about viewing the audit, driven by a desire to gauge the owner's response. Remarkably, his reply wasn't just a willingness to show it to me but also a commitment to guide me on locating it online 😮, this was unequivocal proof. However, I ultimately chose not to pursue viewing the audit, Given that the information cannot be shared publicly, and because I don't trust myself to keep it confidential from those within S-group who I feel should have access to it, I've chosen not to distribute it.


4) At the Dubai meeting, strict confidentiality measures were implemented, emphasizing that none of the information shared with members was to leave the room. All attendees surrendered their phones, and afterwards, there was absolute silence about the proceedings.

If the information were entirely fabricated and over 100 people were aware of it, each of them would have to actively participate in deceiving the people they've brought into S-group. Given the many times these individuals have promoted S-group during the audit, it doesn't make sense to assume they would continue if they knew S-group was a scam.


This leads me to my final point.


5) Take a moment to observe the relentless dedication of our top leaders during this audit. Consider the immense effort put forth by individuals like Serhii Shevchenko, a prime example of unwavering commitment. And why am I here typing this out? It's a testament to my belief in the integrity of S-group.


Q: In approximately 2020 or 2021, a noticeable decline in trading profits became evident within S-forex, What factors precipitated this decline?


A: In the world of S-forex trading, a decrease in profits is due to an arrangement made with the broker. This arrangement involves trading with less money because a portion of the capital is held by the broker. this deals with the 20% SWCT that is used in Prime. As a result, profits have hit their possible lowest point, and they might continue to decrease until the audit is completed, which could take several months. However, after the audit, there's expected to be a small increase in profits, possibly high as before the audit. To make the most money each day, it's best to invest in prime pool would be my



Additionally, the chaotic aftermath of the 2020 US election caused instability in global markets. if was clearly seen in Crypto, Forex and world stocks. This led to a reassessment of how risks are managed in S-forex seeing it was the only ppol avalible at that time. You can observe this change by looking at the trading activity in 2021.


Almost double the trading started happening, but their profit margins decreased. It's crucial to understand that financial markets are unpredictable, so expecting guaranteed day after day equivalent returns is unrealistic and similar to falling for a Ponzi scheme. Instead, we should take a practical approach similar to traditional investing when looking at S-grouptrading data. This means recognizing the natural ups and downs of the market and finding ways to increase returns, which simply put if you want to earn more invest more.


Q: I don't speak Russian at all. How do I know these people in the company presentations are real investors and are not hired actors?


A: "The straightforward response to this is that you can regularly spot these individuals at company events or within leader chat groups. They are genuine clients involved with the company.


May this page offer you peace of mind regarding S-group. Wishing you all the best on your journey!"


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